Webinar: Doctorate in  Health and Human Performance

Concordia University Chicago’s health and human performance interdisciplinary doctoral degree program is designed to prepare students to pursue academic, clinical, leadership, and research roles in the fields of health promotion, exercise science, kinesiology, human performance and other related disciplines.

In this webinar featuring Dr. Kathleen Fritch, a program alumna and faculty member, she discusses the career path opportunities this degree enables in exercise, fitness, health and wellness. Also presenting is Camille Blake, Enrollment Specialist.

If you are considering enrolling, this webinar is your perfect chance to get the information you need to make a decision to move forward.

During the seminar, we cover:

    • Degree Details: Curriculum, cost and benefits
    • What it’s like to be an online student on our anywhere, anytime online learning platform
    • How you can afford to go back to school
    • Our admission process
Looking to learn more about the Doctorate inHealth and Human Performance? Read more here.
Ready to apply? Fill out your free application here.