
Graduate Spotlight: Dr. James Hodovan

Published On: January 26, 2022

Prior to starting the Doctorate in Leadership, Health and Human Performance, Dr. Hodovan was a cardiac sonographer, beginning his career in research in the cardiovascular medicine field. 

After completing his master’s degree, Dr. Hodovan found he still had veterans benefits available in his GI Bill, and was looking to return to school. 

“I love learning and teaching so I was looking at programs online when I came across the Health and Human Performance program at CUC, which was relatively new,” he said. “Finding a PhD program with an emphasis in exercise and health in an online format —before the pandemic— was exciting! I contacted the school by phone to get the overall description and requirements of the program and I was pretty much hooked.”

Having completed the majority of his bachelor’s degree and all of his master’s degree online, he was used to and enjoyed the asynchronous format of the program, which was a major factor in choosing the  health and human performance program. 

“An asynchronous format works for anyone who has self motivation and a desire to learn on their own but Concordia University Chicago, as well as American Military University, were very supportive in class scheduling and responsive to inquiries,” Dr. Hodovan said. “The flexibility of the program was essential in completing within a reasonable time frame.”

In his previous experience with the Navy, he had the opportunity to teach students in his profession, and loved it. This encouraged him to pursue his doctorate in order to teach at the university level. Additionally, Dr. Hodovan sought new opportunities at his workplace.

There were discussions of starting a technical school at the university hospital I work at and I could naturally fill that spot,” he said. “The program will allow me to submit research projects as a primary investigator instead of a collaborator.”

Dr. Hodovan gives this advice to those considering taking on the doctorate program.

“Jump in with both feet! The flexibility and the tuition guarantee are important to older individuals that tend to pursue programs like the HHP at CUC.”

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